The Plan

A plan has been developed that builds interest in robotics among Villagers and the surrounding area, raises funds for the robotics programs, and, hopefully, recruits volunteers to help the robotics efforts continue.

The plan uses SuGO Tournaments as a base upon which the robotics efforts are built and expanded. SuGO Tournaments will be hosted on an after school basis at the local schools. LEGO WeDo build sessions and SuGO Tournaments would be hosted on a rotational basis for a small tax deductible fee at local recreation centers. Details of the plan are highlighted below.

The Plan:

  • Immediately host after school sessions in the local schools using SuGO Tournaments. Build interest in robotics through these efforts, laying the foundation for formal robotics teams.

  • Host SuGO Tournaments in The Villages Recreation Centers on a rotating basis. Request a nominal donation be made by each team to help offset the costs of the SuGO supplies and to raise money for local robotics efforts. All donations are tax deductible.

  • Once adequate funds are accumulated, the following Fall form a Jr.FLL Robotics Team and a FLL Robotics Team.

  • Continue hosting SuGO tournaments in The Villages Regional Recreation Centers raising the funding needed to expand the robotics efforts in area. This will include forming a FTC Robotics Team and creating additional Jr.FLL, FLL and FTC teams as needed in order to meet the expanding interest in robotics.

Plan Status:

  • After school SuGO sessions are being run in The Villages Charter School Middle School Buffalo Adventures Program.

  • FLL Team 23284 "Buffalo Bytes" has been formed and is practicing in TVCS Buffalo Adventures Program.

    • Buffalo Bytes will compete independently and separate from Buffalo Adventures under parents guidance

    • Buffalo Bytes has competed successfully in robotics competitions in Florida since 2016.

  • FTC Team "B^2" was formed as a Robotics Club in the TVCS High School for the 2016/2017 year.

    • B^2 was an official school club with many members, a teacher sponsor, and two or three volunteer mentors.

    • B^2 dissolved in October 2017 due to lack of school support.